Why so much hate for sakura? Naruto

Being a Naruto series fan I've always wondered why the existence of Sakura as main protagonist was essential for the betterment of the anime. Hey everyone, this is your helicopter animebloggo, here with another blog dedicated to our Sakura-chan in the reminisce of her useless or perhaps prominent existence.

Before starting, I'd say this wasn't suppose to the hate post at first, but yeah, since i couldn't detach my own true opinions on her, i chose to let it all out and resultant is this shiz. If any of Sukura fan are there and aren't liking it, change my mind! But no hate please.

Sakura, one of the main protagonist of original Naruto series was of age 12 when series started but after two time skip she is now of 32 years old. More of a ladylove than an actual Shinobi in spite of the fact that she isn't actually very sweet which was supposed to be her trait. Here's the question, what is suppose to be the dream of any normal or abnormal Ninja? Protecting someone or something they wanna protect? Avenging someone? To want to feel the pleasure of killing other human? or other venture paired stuffs etc etc but absolutely NOT for loving someone who they don't even know, that also one sided love, but don't worry we got one sick minded right here, our Sakura-chan! Okay, let's move on, in Naruto series (not included Naruto shippuden) I'd have to spill it out she proved her existence to be COMPLETELY USELESS, always wanted Sasuke back but never actually did anything productive to make that happen, except for crying and emotionally bludgeoning Naruto. That shiz never even properly appreciated Naruto for his attempts on to bring Sasuke back. But in spite of all this, what i hated most of her is, Naruto was always secondary option for her where as Sasuke was first even though Sasuke happens to always slaughter her but as for Naruto, he could ever kill himself for the sake of protecting Sakura. Now coming to Naruto Shippuden, I'd have to accept she proved to be a quite useful thanks to the training with Tsunade. She even took an Akatsuki down with the assistance of old lady Chiyo, considerably strong as well as an excellent Medical Ninja. I really liked the little character development of Sakura in Shippuden even though i still have too many reasons to hate her. As far as her stand out before Ninja war in series is concerned she again went back to her useless self after the first arc of Naruto Shippuden. Yes, i totally concur with her prowess being exceptional but ffs she is one of the main protagonist, people expect a lot more from her other than just always crying for Naruto or her annoying urge on Sasuke. Other supporting characters accomplished and proved useful a lot more than her screen time.

Infiltration of Akatsuki (Pain/Nagato) in Hidden leaf; In the whole massacre she did absolutely nothing apart from crying her tears out for Naruto to come and fight, even Konohamaru proved himself by taking one of 'em down. And the show Hinata put can't ever be forgotten, she stepped on to protect Naruto alone when she knew she didn't had a slightest chance against Nagato, nearly sacrificed herself but all Sakura could do is cry for Naruto and see him die! where as Naruto saved her numerous time but she can't do a shit against the real deal because she is a wimp. Moreover all she could comprehend from the whole event is "Hinata loves Naruto" then also proposed Naruto after the kage meeting only reason so that Naruto don't hunt him down anymore.

In great Ninja war, I'd have to accept she did a lot more than other supporting characters. If she wasn't there even Naruto could've died before obtaining the powers of sage of six paths but yes, in actual fight with Kaguya or Madara, she wasn't of much use. As for current Sakura, there wasn't much screen time of hers in the Boruto series but yes, she has proved her prowess in some episodes plus also being a decent parent of Sarada when Sasuke is almost never around. 


After rolling out from academy she basically had no any special skill other than what was taught in academy itself so almost all the time she had to rely on her tream mates to do the job done. But after the training with Tsunade she was able to master the chakra control and became a very efficient Medical Ninja and also has incredible amount of strength. Resultant, she was able to take down one of the member of Akatsuki, Sasori with the assistance of old lady Chiyo. She always happens to aim very far which is almost impossible for her and that in return always renders disappointment and shows the annoying side of her, like when she charged to takedown Sasuke alone in the hopes that she could alone take him down but like always, thanks to Naruto she wasn't dead.

I've to yes praise her for the talent she have for medical ninjutsu, she is one of the most skilled medical ninja and could have also surpassed Tsunade in Boruto series. She was also able to unlock strength of Hundred seals, by which she could heal herself/regenerate from any wound and almost no time but yes, it does cost her own life span. But it is highly dominating in close strength combat, even Madara praised Tsunade for that jutsu of hers.


She is beautiful and that's it. Nothing other than her pretty face is contributing to the promotion of her personality. I've built a special corner in my heart for those women who doesn't know which person is good and get to go along with. Snub Naruto; in chunin exams i can remember Rock Lee saying her "I'll protect you with my life" and only because he has a goofy face, she never gave any value to him but then still Rock lee protected her from sound village, even when they were rivals. When Naruto fought Garra with his life on the line only thing she could spill from her mouth is, "Sasuke, you saved me right?".

Okay, let's move on, I'd have to say, she is quite determined on her decision, for example, training with Tsunade wasn't easy but she pulled it off; and the determination of hers to love her Sasuke-kun if also humongously flawless, even though her love for him don't have any particular base other than his handsome face and hot physical appearance, that was enough for her to pick Sasuke over people like Naruto and Rock lee who've done uncountable things for her.

As for current Sakura, I'd say she is quite very mature and a very suitable side character like Naruto or Sasuke. She is parenting Sarada almost by herself since her birth and it's not an easy joy. Even though screen time of Sakura is very less in Boruto series but the impression which i got till now is pretty good, such as Caring, understanding towards Sarada and goes without saying, powerful too.


I'd say impression on Sakura ascended as whole, before first time skip she was the worst protagonist i could hope for then in Shippuden, she did prove to be useful in times but simultaneously she is her annoying urge for Sasuke and a few other things which I can't explain verbally with decent locution. But in Boruto series she is proving to be quite an impressive character. Perhaps that is the reason why there are fans of Sakura but also too many Haters of her likewise me.
From my reasoning, haters of her are more because the expectations from her were very much because, she is one of the main protagonist of such an enormous series. But the accomplishment of hers is very very less compared to that of Naruto and Sasuke. She yes is surpassing many side characters but since she has got too much screen time to prove her value but she was personified being wasted most of it in crying, being protected, annoying, etc etc. Where as others did so much in the little screen time they had, such as Hinata, Shikamaru and others. Well 'tis all done now but i still can't comprehend how come Sakura and Sasuke are together, i mean technically speaking Sasuke actually never showed any love or affection for Sakura where as he always happen to attempt to kill her whenever they encounter each other. But now it can't be undone, we just gotta stick with Boruto series and see what it has to offer but I'd love if they're together, always. Plus if any of Sakura fan reading this, please don't hate me. But yes, change my mind!

Thanks everyone for making it to the end. I know everyone has their different options and must be valued, Sorry, if you didn't like it but that was me up there.

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