Thou marching on the course to be an upstanding human being, but in a tad inch of clock thy destiny resides itself with an anguishing future as civilization considered them an alien creature, deemed to be under dreadful scientific experiments, for some unknown malice they never attempted. A noun, Ajin; creature that could never die.
In honest opinion I'll deceit if i say it stamped a really stunning picture of itself on me but indeed it was rejoicing to watch it.
I. Personal thoughts
II. Characters
III. Settings
IV. Development
V. Animation and sound
VI. Ending
VII. End note
Initiation lands itself in amid of war-zone on the grounds of Africa. A grim air indeed; rendered by a sacred being they term, "Soldier of God"; resilient with his own resurrection, he kills every man his eye seek. This air only can pump any thriller fan to expound it more as i personally was very much moved by the concept of undying humans aka Ajins.
Contrasting the need of a friend; Artist executed an startling job in criticizing a book worm teen who isolates himself for the verb; studies, confining with the thought that they are efficient to concur the world by playing solo.
Artist inclined to reside the plot from frictional world and flinged its attention to meet real world where nature of human is significantly inhumane; small controversies are not given much attention and are suppressed, but when that issue prelude with major brandish, norms panic and revolt for their safety. The basic physiology of a human, "We don't care unless it is on us" blending with evolution of terrorism is depicted and framed very nicely.
• Satou
The insight of vengeance he seek from the epoch he had been through, or perhaps might a tad amusement he wanted for the bizarre indelible body that he attains. Satou; a noun; an orator; a leader, besides being an icon of his kind, aka Ajins.
Satou; an incomprehensible man as he care for none and nothing. Resilient, Brilliant, Sacred, Veteran, lynch these words perhaps are inept to term a noun; Satou. After kai Nagai's realization of his actual being, first dawn of hope he saw was Satou himself. 'tis personifying the image that he only is sacred and all must march on his footsteps as he is the only pavement to rejoicing future, yet having their avid critique they follow. But as soon they witness 'tis void in thou and his intentions. besides, he didn't subvert japan's government for the deem of Ajin's acknowledgment in civilization, but for his own misma amusement.
A pale man from his old age, who once was a soldier know for his dreadful skills and military tactics; lives now only to suffice his boredom by wearing the mask of 'Ajin rights'. He is a personality rebutting no peer howsoever vague the instance may get, may it be uncertainty in their target's location or malfunction in their secret weapon; thee is always at his usual posture, a fitting suite for an outrageous villain.
• kai nagai
Having an ambition to be a doctor one day; a coward; a pessimist; but humane and an Ajin. He marches while snubbing everything that seemed not useful for his near future, but shiphon and deprived by the fate as he flinged himself into an accident and at that moment, he realized, the future of his dreams will only be a dream to him as the worst stumbled onto him that he is the creature that are seldom to find in the planet Aka Ajin.
My personal thoughts on Kei are subtle as they are balanced. In initiation, Kei was the worst guy i could ever accept for being an protagonist but as character development and fluidity were exact; protagonist, after witnessing the evolution of Kei to the man of quite valor with righteous logics and considerably knowledge. I began to start liking him as protagonist.
• Yuu Tosaki
Unlike norms, an investigator, Tosaki, with his high critique he could blend himself in any situation possible if it's to seize an Ajin. Having the sight to cure the one he loved with all his heart, his fiance. He yes, is most staunch of all the people wanting Ajin in custody. He by any means necessary was willing to apprehend Satou for the calamities he bring forth.
Artist built a character having pure deed of achieving what was desired. Tosaki agreed to form an alliance with Kei to apprehend Satou. Tosaki may seem like a person with grim attitude but he on some part cared the people around him for example he took Izumi, an Ajin as his assistant, after knowing that she is an Ajin and if anyone somehow get a word of it, they both would be in a severe problem. though he most of the time is rude to her but never got violent against her like the other official from different country.
At the first glance, i thought anime will being forth mass cataclysm as the beginning lands itself in a warzone. But ironically, there were no scene of war except for the initiation, that also is still in a blue. With that done; story begins in a modern Japan society, no unusual recurring snubbing Ajins. Society of theirs are somewhat tried to relate with that of real world, such being the selfish and self-centered school friends or it being, common people not indulging themselves with something that going to create a big cause. Towns/villages were also depicted originally by presenting both category of humans living in any kind of society. In spite some don't care about the things that are happening in world and prefer to enjoy the little company they could get where as some always run for money.
CGI has also done its job well in depicting the realistic sceneries. Such being day to day people, green old-aged villages, littering cities.
In the face of hazard, people change, so did Kei Nagai, he was a complete idiot, didn't like to pay any heed to the one who doesn't seem useful to him in near future. Only objective of his was to be an upstanding human being.
Realization of responsibility... Gushing from circumstances as everything on world had turned over Kei. Only person withstand beside him was Kaito, an old neglected friend. Development of Kei accelerated after meeting drastic occasions in times, such as Eriko's kidnap developed his sense of responsibility as he ran off to save her, ironically he hadn't lost or perhaps became humane after the experiment's conduction on him as while getting out from building he saved a doctor. By the end of the series, Kei had become a reliable and tad trustworthy person as he fought Satou with the assistance from an government official, this presents that he had build a tad trust upon them.
World's perspective towards Ajins started changing, humans use to avert their attention as if they were some alien creature or high money, but after Satou's own realm began to unroll; Ajins became an highly concerning subject for every citizen. Development or perhaps the change in mentality began. Dilemma of which one is true begin arising among common people, Ajins are right or not? Change in civilization was personified as people had somewhat accepted Ajins. It didn't came in high focus in actual series but I'd really like if it had.
Many people i found have varying thoughts on its CGI animation, but in contrasting my experience, I'll say it could have turned out much better if they had used some different style of animation. Alluding characters, it felt like some dead people walking on road. I also witnessed those sharp ends in designed characters, perhaps they were trying to depict the boldness of figure, but certainly i wouldn't praise that idea. But indeed, CGI did some major work in personifying the charm of Ajins, perhaps if my imagination is correct then no other style of animation could have pictured Ajins so well; also the masks and little brightness in sharp eyes of military or defence squads are commendable, and not forgetting the vivid colors, beautiful sceneries and blood such as presenting the action scenes of satou or Kei's Ajin.
Implying that this anime could be the best CGI show i have ever watched, but still it's not cutting the edge of my likings; perhaps they need to work more or just give up the idea of building such types. Despite all, the fact, CGI didn't affect me much after 2-3 episodes it stopped bothering me, to be honest i kinda felt like enjoying the CGI at some moments.
As for sounds, it's very good, catches up with the pace of story and characters. In-episode instrumentals takes a person in moment, my personal favourite is one when they play in grim situation, such in Satou's doings. Sound of Ajin's IBM also gives the perceive of deadly ghost. Overall the in-episode sound is absolutely praiseworthy.
Starting and ending songs of both series are also well done, energize the viewer in start and remorse of condition in end.
I personally felt felt out after considering the ending, it was down to square one; satou is still alive and wants to play more. Only outcome both series gave is, rights for Ajins to live among normal humans and more experience on how to take one down. Perhaps they want to continue the show but up till now there is no notification of any new series and ending one like this isn't very pleasing, not at least to me.
Thanks everyone for making it to the end. It was fun to talk about Ajin: Demi-human, to be honest, i wasn't planning to watch it after knowing that it's a CGI but after starting, it was really worth it, and yeah, I would recommend it if you're a thriller fan. you guys are awesome, Bbye Goodnight!