Welcome to the NHK! first impressions

Welcome to the NHK

The anime which I found whilst google searching some humorous series after reverting to "Gintama" and "The daily life of High school boys" which I still haven't finished yet as these are a few anime counted under which I don't want to end quick, oh well. Welcome to NHK, To be honest after me finishing the whole series, I can't say it's gobbled by hilarity but yes, majorly dominated by dark humor. There's quite a chance that the micro-sectioned genre of this anime differs from one person to another, as some could find it just a regular humorous anime whereas some could fall into a real depression, blaming themselves for wasting their time for doing absolutely nothing productive kinda. It could be eye-opening for people who engage themselves to the crap they shouldn't with, such be alcohol beer drugs network internet or anything actually, even anime. Of the cause, I'd say me perhaps is an example, I can remember myself when I passed standard 10th, staying up for 48 hours straight, snubbing the eye strains were common for me those days, shut-ins in my own room for hours having a singular reason that to complete a few anime series. Those means yes, often work very well to conduct the dream-world where you can never actually be; that space can indeed act as the medium to pleasure your body and mind for the time being but the actuality is always far divergent from what you're having pleasure with. It was my strict parents who did the job to bring me back in the track, after the months of waste in when the only thing I did is to watch around 2 thousand episodes and distancing myself from friends, enjoying the vacations etc etc it was not that time this anime came across to me, about 4 years from then it's now. I could at the point totally relate with the character, what a sucked up loser he is.

I'd definitely recommend everyone to go watch this one as it epitomizes for being one of the reality-stricken anime of all time in where, the harsh truth, 'you get how much you scratch' is depicted greatly, unlike a few in where the protagonist could even nail the whole nation of theirs in the space of a day.
Why I like this anime is because it's based on what true actuality is like, there aren't any EXCEPTION or SPECIAL people present in this world, nor there are certain moments of yours in when the heavens itself is gonna give you hand to walk in the path of actual struggles.

•A little go through.
Tatsuhiro Satou, the protagonist of this anime additionally, the sworn loser till approx the very end of the series, I deliberately censure him for being the protagonist, he is just a perverted Neet who could do absolutely nothing by himself, wasting his time by sleeping in majority of the hours of a day, watching gardening shows when he lives in a box-sized apartment with not a flower seen in the radius of 100 meters, moreover a high school dropout because now he's scared to face the civilization itself and currently living in the world of delusion that a certain society/community/institution/network/etc named NHK, at this time conducting an operation to take over the world, which of course is 100% false and is made by his deprived brain alone. He also believes that everything is a conspiracy that the whole world is just his own imagination, a kind of alone being present in this void space or something idk, swifts to thought that aliens from another world has already predominantly eradicated the other fellow humans of his and he is the sole being alive and is now being observed by those aliens for their further advancement in science. Though these thoughts of his are of short-term and are altered as per the situations in his surroundings differ, he is a human who has almost completely fallen into depravity. I personally didn't like the guy, perhaps because the reality is like that only.

Then is when a character, Misaki makes her appearance as that of a so-called savior of his life, like an angel she supports that pragmatic pathetic soul, which then, later on, turns out that she also was just using him to fulfill the distressed mind of her as she believed that she is a curse to the society and accelerates the trouble of anyone she be with. Misaki suffers from a severely dreadful past experience, both her parents murdered themselves, after that event she always questioned herself about the usefulness of her in any event possible whether it is about the recent decline in balanced business of their aunt's family which she recently started to support or the dwindled relationship in the family in where she currently is living, but that knowledge is unrevealed to anyone and promptly deceive to Satou whenever he questions about her past life or current. She wanted him to believe that she is an angel in his life, she wanted him to believe she only can support him, she is the sole person he should be with, in most limelight Satou shouldn't go to anyone or ask any kind of help from anyone other than herself. Because to her, Satou is the useless loser who needed too much help and support whereas Misaki is the person who wanted to be with someone, any kind of person who is in need of her. But that doesn't make her dumb, in fact, she is quite intelligent.

And now there is this one more character, a die-hard otaku, Kaoru Yamazaki. Even though Satou and Kaoru go a way back, they still didn't know that they are neighbours. Kaoru isn't a neet, he has classes to attend, a part-time job to do and has a dream to follow, I honestly like this character, could do an excellent job being a protagonist of some motivational anime but since that isn't the case; he did bring some light to the doomed world of Satou's, in a way XD well yeah, making and hentai game associating with a guy who pragmatically doesn't own any skills in that section is definitely hard and learnable to Satou.

The best friend of his, Kaoru. He also in a way was only using Satou, his objective was singular, that to make his own game but since he lacked social skill, there wasn't anyone to accompany him, Satou is the only guy he could find and extracted as much work as possible from him. Though yes it worked both ways as Kaoru's hand was major in that little development he had been through in the whole series, except for the last few episodes.

People are with you just for their own selfish desires to be fulfilled ;
Misaki, she was with Satou whole time, giving him food, her time, her first kiss, she could've done literally anything but that all because she didn't want to be alone again, Satou was the only guy she could find that can rely upon her. In fact, I don't think she even wanted Satou to escape that hellish life he had been living because if that event could've taken place midst of series, her need of Satou may have vanished and perhaps a new phase of her was definable, but luckily end was pretty satisfying.

It's the reality that people forgets you when you're not of any use anymore; Like Kaoru did. After when it turned out that with his family, he cannot ever be successful enough to accomplish his goal to become a legit game designer, he went back to his hometown, continued the family business, as the time passed by, he adapted, he was stable again with his family, whereas Satou is still a neet, living on the free-food from both his friends, then a time came when his best friend too started cutting the ties from him. This was the only time when he truly realised, how big doom he is in.
The series is pretty effective to transmit how the world really is like. People shouldn't drool themselves in the world of fantasies in which they can never get in unless they are worth. Dreaming isn't a bad thing but what you execute to accomplish such is the only artefact that matters. That's what I learned from this anime.

This shouldn't be unusual for a distressed mind to have the thoughts of dispatching themselves in the belief that they'd enter heavens; suicide is the word. When unintentionally Satou's senpai came to have her last visit in hand assumed that Satou is in agreement in their group suicide programme but in fact, he was unconscious about any actual details. The noteworthy section of the instance is; disgrace oneself to the extent on to attempt suicide, you don't have to be totally worthless like Satou was, he never intended to commit suicide even after living the life of hell. That I find very substantial. You're a loser, that's fine, you can change as time gives you worse but killing ourselves is nay. I learned that.

I admire Kaoru for having a definite goal. Even though he is a hardcore otaku, he still is way better than Satou. Perhaps it was his family and unskilled acquaintance is what held him back, otherwise, with the passion he showed, he'd have turned out to be a decent game designer. To have a goal. A dream. Something to achieve is important. Like, for Satou, he hadn't had anything of such type until the time when he found himself with no support of any, utterly miserable. This anime teaches on how the little things can fabricate a whole which in future it becomes relatively hard to fill. And that void soon trends to overpower your own strength and will, as to overcome, it's on you if you have the valid will power to again bring back the dominance possibly with an acquaintance.
The end is reasonably satisfactory, at least to me. It wasn't pretty or exaggerated, everyone got what how much they should have.

(the above youtube video isn't mine)

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